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CE ženklinimas yra prekės gamintojo pareiškimas, kad produktas atitinka jam taikomus Europos Komisijos direktyvų reikalavimus.
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Information in English.
Dale of Merchants Collection is a standalone game. It contains plenty of content aimed at fans of the series. The game comes with a large box which lets you store all content from the original Dale of Merchants, Dale of Merchants 2, and Dale of Merchants 3.
While this is a great storage solution to keep all your Dale of Merchants content in a single box, it does come with a ton of new things to play with. Dale of Merchants Collection introduces new animalfolk decks with such unique fellows as Wealthy Tuataras and Connected Emperor Penguins.
A completely new feature in the series are the character cards. These cards are received at the start of the game and provide players with unique and powerful abilities that drastically influence the game. Dale of Merchants Collection includes dozens of different character cards adding even more depth and variance to the series’ gameplay.