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CE ženklinimas yra prekės gamintojo pareiškimas, kad produktas atitinka jam taikomus Europos Komisijos direktyvų reikalavimus.
Įspėjimas! Žaislas netinka jaunesniems kaip 3 metų amžiaus vaikams. Būkite atsargūs su smulkiomis detalėmis, kurios gali atsiskirti ar būti nukąstos, nes vaikas gali užspringti arba įkvėpti!
Information in English.
With his iconic shield made of pure vibranium, Captain America can lead the charge against even the most fearsome of foes, inspiring those around him with legendary valor.
Like all Hero Packs, the Captain America Hero Pack includes a fully-playable deck right out of the box that includes 15 Hero cards, 17 cards from the Leadership aspect, and 8 basic cards. Additionally, look for Captain America’s signature obligation and nemesis set, and three copies of one new card for each of the other aspects! This deck brings Captain America to the forefront of the action with his trusty shield, as he assists the heroes around him while calling on new Avengers to join the fight!