Įdėklas žaidimui.
Įspėjimas! Žaislas netinka jaunesniems kaip 3 metų amžiaus vaikams. Būkite atsargūs su smulkiomis detalėmis, kurios gali atsiskirti ar būti nukąstos, nes vaikas gali užspringti arba įkvėpti!
Information in English.
Įdėklas stalo žaidimui.
Įspėjimas! Žaislas netinka jaunesniems kaip 3 metų amžiaus vaikams. Būkite atsargūs su smulkiomis detalėmis, kurios gali atsiskirti ar būti nukąstos, nes vaikas gali užspringti arba įkvėpti!
Information in English.
Use compatible with Pandemic® and the extensions On the Brink®, In the Lab® and State of Emergency®. The design offers both efficient storage and improved game play. The trays can be used during the game and make assembly and dismantling times much easier. The insert is arranged in up to two layers, with the five Petri dishes arranged on the right side of the box. Two of the Petri dishes are placed on part of the tray in the lower right corner of the picture, which is used to store the price and quarantine markers. Each of the different colored disease cubes and quarantine markers is placed in the correspondingly colored Petri dish. All component types are broken down by type to organize all of the game components. There is space for the cards to be inserted. The game boards, rulebooks and the bio-terrorist map must be kept separately in one of the expansion boxes.This product consists of a flat pack with 2 Evacore plates. The arches need to be assembled quickly and easily using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the packaging.